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Panic attack refers to an episodic escalation of extreme anxiety associated with extreme symptoms of body responses to stress. An episode of a panic attack usually lasts a few minutes but severe cases can last for a few hours. It is a frightening event and is often described as one of the most uncomfortable situations from people who have experienced the disorder. In the DSM-IV manual, the official reference for psychiatric disorders, panic attacks fall under the anxiety disorders and are treated according to set clinical guidelines and recommendations.
In some cases, it is easy to identify the exact cause of a panic attack but at other instances, it can be difficult to pinpoint a specific cause. During a panic attack, it is very important to ensure safety of the person from his external environment and the people around him. A person suffering from a panic attack can turn violent if he feels that he cannot escape the anxiety provoking scenario.
When panic attacks are not treated appropriately, it could progress to the more severe panic disorder. A diagnosis of panic disorder is usually done by a licensed clinician who works with these diseases. Usually, panic disorder is diagnosed when a person has had recurrent, unexpected episodes of panic attacks that is accompanied by at least one month of persistent concern about subsequent attacks along with profound effects in the person’s behavior and characteristics.
Shortened Version:
Panic attacks are episodes of extreme anxiety that is often precipitated by an anxiety provoking event.
Panic attack definition, panic attack meaning, panic attack description